NIHSA to Gradually Release Ladgo Dam Water to Prevent Flooding

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Flood Prevention Measures

NIHSA’s Flood Management Strategy

Ladgo Dam Water Release


The Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) has announced plans for a gradual release of water from the Ladgo Dam to prevent severe flooding in surrounding areas. The controlled release is part of a proactive flood prevention strategy aimed at protecting communities vulnerable to seasonal flooding.

In a statement released by NIHSA, officials emphasized the need for careful monitoring of water levels to avoid overwhelming rivers and causing widespread floods. The agency reassured residents of affected regions that this gradual release of water would help reduce the risk of flooding, especially in communities located downstream.

NIHSA’s decision comes in response to concerns over the potential overflow of the Ladgo Dam due to rising water levels during the rainy season. By releasing the water in a phased manner, the agency aims to manage the flow more effectively and minimize damage to property, infrastructure, and farmlands.

The agency urged state governments and local communities to remain vigilant and follow all safety guidelines. In particular, residents in flood-prone areas are advised to stay informed through local authorities and prepare for any possible emergency evacuations.

Ladgo Dam, located in northern Cameroon, has been a source of concern for Nigeria during heavy rainfall seasons, as uncontrolled releases in the past have led to significant flooding in several Nigerian states. NIHSA’s proactive approach this year aims to prevent a repeat of such disasters by managing the dam’s water levels more efficiently.

By implementing a gradual release plan, NIHSA hopes to strike a balance between managing the dam’s capacity and protecting nearby communities from the devastating effects of floods.

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