Okereke Urges Global Leaders to Prioritize Climate Action at COP29

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COP29: Urgent Call for Climate Action by Okereke

Okereke Advocates for Climate Finance at COP29

Global Leaders Urged to Act on Climate at COP29


    Prof. Chukwumerije Okereke, Director of the Centre for Climate Change and Development at Alex Ekwueme Federal University (AEFUNAI), has urged global leaders to transform the upcoming COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, into a pivotal moment for global climate action. He emphasized the urgent need for improved climate finance to meet the 1.5 degrees target set by the Paris Agreement.

    Urgent Need for Climate Finance

    During a keynote address at the China Media Salon, Okereke highlighted the significant resource gaps that hinder effective responses to climate change disasters. He called on developed nations to lead the way by mobilizing substantial climate finance to address the challenges faced by vulnerable countries, moving beyond mere rhetoric and unfulfilled promises.

    Challenges Facing Vulnerable Countries

    Okereke noted that vulnerable countries are disproportionately affected by climate change, citing recent devastating floods in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Nigeria. He stressed that inequality, conflict, and development challenges exacerbate these vulnerabilities. Current estimates suggest that developing countries require approximately $5.8-5.9 trillion to implement their national climate plans, with adaptation finance potentially reaching $1.7 trillion annually by 2050.

    ACT2025’s Call to Action

    Okereke presented the Allied for Climate Transformation by 2025 (ACT2025) consortium’s call to action, outlining four key expectations for COP29:

    1. Ambitious Climate Finance: COP29 must establish a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) aligned with the 1.5°C target, reflecting the real financial needs of vulnerable nations.
    2. Scaling Up Adaptation Efforts: The conference should address gaps and challenges in adaptation planning to make effective changes.
    3. Responding to Loss and Damage: A new fund for Loss and Damage must be adequately funded and operational by COP29 to support vulnerable countries without imposing additional burdens.
    4. Accelerating Mitigation Ambition: Countries must commit to rapid transitions away from fossil fuels, ensuring just transitions for affected communities.

    China’s Role in Climate Action

    Okereke acknowledged China’s critical role in global climate leadership and its commitment to sustainable practices. He urged China to align its actions with the needs of vulnerable nations, showcasing its leadership through increased ambition in its upcoming Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

    Conclusion: A Unified Global Effort

    In closing, Okereke called on the international community to unite in securing the necessary finance and strategies for a sustainable future. He stressed that the outcomes of COP29 will significantly impact the trajectory of global civilization and collective efforts to combat climate change.

    The ACT2025 consortium includes key partners from various regions, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in addressing climate challenges globally.

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